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icon of Big Ben, books and a globe

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Synonymer till steady


  1. (not subject to change or variation especially in behavior) steady
  2. (not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall) firm; unfluctuating; steady
  3. (securely in position; not shaky) steady
  4. (marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable) firm; steadfast; stiff; unbendable; unfaltering; unshakable; unwavering; steady
  5. (relating to a person who does something regularly) regular; steady
  6. (not easily excited or upset) steady


  1. (in a steady manner) steadily; steady


  1. (a person loved by another person) sweetheart; sweetie; truelove; steady


  1. (make steady) calm; becalm; steady
  2. (support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace) brace; stabilize; stabilise; steady